Electric Engines
Engines Design Automation
The RFQ phases must be fast and efficient in order to best respond to customer requests. It is in this context that EUROCFD helped one of its customers to respond to urgent requests for dimensioning of electric motors. Going from an answer in 3 weeks to 3 days thanks to an automated chain.
From geometrical parameters, the whole geometry could be generated over an angular sector or over 360°. Similarly, the mesh and named selections could be implemented automatically and then transferred to the CFD solver.
Thanks to a fully parameterized numerical model, the results were improved by a factor of x7. Numerous design variations are possible and make it possible to quantify the influence of each parameter to quickly arrive at a tailor-made configuration.

Thermal Exchanges Drowned Pump Engine
The thermal class of an electro-technical product such as an electric motor determines the maximum temperature at which the materials guarantee thermal stability against ageing. In this context, the objective was to validate the insulation class of a pump engine used in nuclear-type reactors.
This study consisted of a thermo-hydraulic analysis to quantify coolant flow rates and associated heat exchanges in order to predict and calculate temperature fields throughout the engine.
The results obtained made it possible to quantify heat transfers and highlight the hottest areas. The numerical experiment approach thus made it possible to guarantee the insulation class of the motor.